A welcome from the site admin :-)

Welcome to russellhoban.org and to the forums!

This website started life in early 2012 when some of the members of The Kraken, the original Russell Hoban forum/fanclub, assembled at Russ's funeral in London. Following the ceremony we found ourselves exchanging ideas about what a new, all-encompassing website serving as a testament to this fantastic writer might consist of. Lots of ideas ensued and now here it is!

russellhoban.org strives to be a "site of note" for Russell Hoban and his work, and we've done our best to present helpful information on all his adult novels as well as his notable children's books, and a biography.

We're inviting submissions of original essays, so if you've written or published one please get in touch. We also want to ultimately build up the bibliography section to have an information page about ALL of Russell Hoban's books, so if you possess the relevant information about any of the books not already linked from that page and have some spare time to create the content, please contact us about that too.

Registered users of the site can also help put together a definitive, crowd-sourced collection of editions of Russ's books. Start by going to the gallery of editions and if you see an edition you own, you can click "add this edition to your bookshelf" underneath it. If you don't see an edition you own, you can add it yourself - this will then appear in your collection as well as on the main page for others to add to theirs.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site. Any comments or queries are invited below!

All bes,


(Site admin)

Hi Richard,

This is beautiful! Good work - thanks to you and all involved.